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The giving of “Back-packs” (with Rotary logos) where inside are school supplies, raincoats, slippers, hygiene items, etc. The Project aims to provide selected grade school students basic needs that can be used in their everyday activities to, during classes, and going to/from the school. The qualified students were selected by the Representatives/Teachers of the recipient Elementary Schools in Quezon City (Pasong Tamo and Placido del Mundo). The total number of Grade school students of Elementary School is 200 which corresponds to 200 back packs shared on July 1 and 18, 2016. The joy and the positive responses from the Schools are our Club’s fulfillment in seeing the outcome in our small way, the Rotary way, guided by the slogan “Rotary Serving Humanity”. Mabuhay!!!!


Source: Rotary Showcase

Posted in Basic education and literacy, Community Service